Systems innovation for abundant futures

// Multi-disciplinary program leader, strategist, designer, and builder of ventures, brands, products, and services.

// Facilitator of collaborative innovation processes engaging diverse stakeholders around whole system dynamics.

// Dedicated to catalyzing paradigmatic shifts toward regenerative and equitable futures for all.

Oriented as a program manager, multimodal design strategist, systems thinker, technologist, servant leader, and backcountry adventurer, I am skilled at navigating the unknown to build teams and coalitions, weave perspectives, and facilitate conditions for diverse groups to collaboratively bring wholistic and impactful solutions to life. To date, these interventions have taken form as experience and change management strategies, venture concepts, digital and physical products, brand expressions, expeditions, events, and more with a variety of globally respected organizations—but as I’ve learned, it’s often the questions asked, stories told, and relationships formed along the way that plant the real seeds for change.

My journey has taken me across a range of industries and landscapes—including mission-driven startups in apparel and the built environment, globally recognized non-profits focused on innovation, education, and conservation, fast-paced management and design consultancies, and a handful of global corporations in apparel, healthcare, transportation, aerospace, and tech. In each, I've had the honor of working alongside brave teams of brilliant folks dedicated to challenging the status quo.

I am committed to bringing forth ways of being that bring people and nature back together, grapple with and push beyond colonial paradigms of extraction, exploitation, and externalization, and plant seeds for fair and regenerative futures for all.